Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Stressed and Blessed

That is how I have been feeling lately. We have had a lot going on around here as of late, with my sisters wedding this weekend, getting ready for Christmas festivities, and the semester winding down at work. Most days I have felt like I am barely keeping my head above water, and I hate that feeling. I want to be that super mom who never lets anything bother her, who is super organized, and whose house is always spotless and laundry is always clean. And while I know that it is a bit unrealistic to have those expectations for myself, sometimes it is hard to keep those feelings at bay.

But aside from being stressed, I am also incredibly blessed. I was sitting at the computer tonight editing pictures that I took of Gabe while he was sleeping and I just felt so peaceful and blessed. Pictures of my sleeping babe were just what my heart and mind needed to feel peaceful again.


Stephanie said...

Our hearts are in the same place right now...

Valerie Hunter said...

Those pictures are so beautiful!! Praying you are able to "let go" a bit of the and enjoy the weekend!