Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Silly girls and smiling boys...

For your Saturday afternoon viewing pleasure :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

4 months!

Gabe is four months old today. It's crazy how fast the time is going! He is such a good baby...he smiles all the time, and really only fusses when tired or hungry. He is sleeping great, nursing every 3-4 hours during the day, and he is even rolling over. He loves being on his belly and he loves being held. And he is growing up WAY to fast for his mamma's taste :)

He doesn't seem to be as bothered by it as I do though....hmmmmmmmm... :)

Here are his other monthly pictures, just for a fun comparison.
One month
Two months
Three months

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My little sister

Well she's not really that little, but since she is four years younger than me, I reserve the right to call her "little." I am not sure if I have mentioned it here or not, but she is getting an Irish man...and moving to less than two months... I am so happy for her and Geoff, but I am going to miss her horribly. My sisters are two of my best friends, and we talk all the time. Krissy and I talk/text every day and see each other at least 1-2 times a week. Since I am going to be in major sister withdraw when she moves, my older sister and I decided to "coerce" her into starting a blog. And by "coerce" I mean "force." So if you want to , check her out at An Irish Adventure. Or you can click on my link on the sidebar. :) I just helped her put up engagement pictures :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Last week we went to a local pumpkin patch with our play group friends. It was really chilly out, but we managed to have a good time despite the weather. We got to ride in a wagon out to the pumpkin patch, and pick our own pumpkins. We also saw all the animals at the petting zoo, and Hannah rode Teddy, the pony again. Then we topped off the morning with a pumpkin whoopie pie. Delicious!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Rollin, rollin rollin....

That's right folks...someone rolled over for the first time today. He then proceeded to roll over six more times throughout the day. Practice makes perfect right?! :)

Starting to think about it...
Tipping over...
Almost there...
The satisfied face of newly accomplished roller :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

These Eyes

When I was a little girl, there were two things I always wanted. Blue eyes and curly hair. Much to my little girl chagrin, I have brownish eyes and the straightest hair you could ever imagine. I have always thought that it would be fun to have a blue eyed baby, but since I married another brown haired, brown eyes person, I figured the chances of that happening were slim to none :) When Hannah was born her eyes were really dark, right from the beginning. She never had the blue eyes that most babies do right at the start. (She does however have curly hair, thanks to my hubby's genes :)) Then when Gabe was born, he had blue eyes...I was excited, but figured that they would change in a couple of week, since both his momma and daddy have brown eyes. Much to my surprise and delight, they seem to be staying blue. And I know that it is silly and trivial and not important at all, but I just love these beautiful blue eyes. And the little boy that goes with them of course :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My kids..

I know that every parent out there thinks that their kids are pretty much the cutest ones on the block. And I am no different. :) Hannah can melt my heart with her smile, and kissing Gabe's squishy cheeks is pretty high up there on my favorite things to do list :)
Look at how big this guy is getting! He is really really strong. He holds his head up really well and is super close to rolling over. What a little man!
And this little goodness is she ever growing up too fast!! She is such a big help to me. We have started working on learning our letters, and she LOVES it. It is such a fun blessing for me to see her love of learning.

What can I say...I love my kids :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Baby Dedication

We had Gabe dedicated last week at church. It was really nice because my sister and her fiance from Ireland, as well as my parents and my in-laws were all able to be there. This is the best family picture that we have gotten so far :) One of these days we will get everyone looking at the camera at the same time :)