Sunday, October 11, 2009

These Eyes

When I was a little girl, there were two things I always wanted. Blue eyes and curly hair. Much to my little girl chagrin, I have brownish eyes and the straightest hair you could ever imagine. I have always thought that it would be fun to have a blue eyed baby, but since I married another brown haired, brown eyes person, I figured the chances of that happening were slim to none :) When Hannah was born her eyes were really dark, right from the beginning. She never had the blue eyes that most babies do right at the start. (She does however have curly hair, thanks to my hubby's genes :)) Then when Gabe was born, he had blue eyes...I was excited, but figured that they would change in a couple of week, since both his momma and daddy have brown eyes. Much to my surprise and delight, they seem to be staying blue. And I know that it is silly and trivial and not important at all, but I just love these beautiful blue eyes. And the little boy that goes with them of course :)

1 comment:

kirsteniteleader said...

Yay for recessive genes!!! I agree; I love blue eyes too. Hannah might have brown eyes, but wow, those eyes!! From the beginning, they were really dark and I guess what you would call deep. I always liked that with Hannah's eyes, you always knew when she was looking at you!