Saturday, April 17, 2010

9 months...a little late

Not the best picture taking day, as you can see by this picture. Gabe was not impressed! I actually think he may not have liked the way the roughness of the wall felt. I know it's probably wrong, but I thought this was kind of cute, even though he was mad :)

I like this one, because it is so "Gabe" to me. It looks like he is just trying to decide what to get into next :)
At nine months my little guy is not so little anymore. He is crawling everywhere, almost walking, and literally into almost EVERYTHING! Nick and I have been saying lately, that absolutely nothing is safe from this ones little grabby fingers :) Gabe you are so inquisitive, and not afraid of anything. You are all boy! :) You won't eat baby food any more, and you love to feed yourself. You take a sippy like a champ. You are sort of sleeping through the night, which is really nice :) I love you little man, mommy is so proud of you and so lucky to have you as her son!

1 comment:

Krissy said...

The first picture is so, so cute!! But did you buy him man capris????