Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bathtime Hair and Babywearing :)

Ok you will have to excuse how goofy I look in this picture, but I love how this shows what Leah's hair looks like after her bath :) Girlfriend has some WILD post bath hair! The curl tends to go flat/straight after her hair dries, but it is a crazy curly mess when wet....I kind of love it!

So one of the things that I am finding works well for me with having 3 kids is the using my Moby wrap with Leah during the day. She loves being in it, and it allows me to have my hands free for my other two, while still feeling good about having her close. Well, Hannah asked me the other day if she could try carrying Leah in the wrap. I was a bit hesitant at first but then I thought why not give it a try. And it actually worked out great! Hannah thought that she was the bomb diggity and she was able to carry her little sister in a safe and secure way :) Gabe of course wanted to get in on the action too...he had to give both of his sisters lots of love!

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