Sunday, April 26, 2009

30 things

Early last week one of the blogging ladies, (whose blog I very much enjoy reading) tagged me in a memo. I have to confess, it made me feel pretty darn cool. You see I have never been tagged before, so I was pretty excited! Thanks Candy for making my day!!! :) And by the way, you should totally go check out Candy's blog. She is super funny, an amazing photographer, has three adorable kids, and she runs marathons!! VERY COOL!

So for this memo, I am supposed to list 30 Random things about myself, and then tag 10-30 of my bogging friends, so share the love :) So without further are 30 random things about me.

1. I am a nurse. I work very part-time teaching nursing students in their junior and senior years of nursing school, in their pediatric rotation. It is a great job!

2. I really really want to be a stay at home mom, and my husband and I are working our way to that point, but until we get there, I am very blessed to have the work situation that I do :)

3. I have been married to my husband for almost four years. Our four year anniversary is May 21 st of this year.

4. The first time Nick (my husband) asked me out I turned him down....(obviously I called him back :))

5. I have an amazing two year old daughter and a son on the way.

6. I basically live across the street from my parents and it is awesome. My mom is awesome and my dad is too! We get along great!

7. I grew up in a big family. Four kids and two parents :)

8. Of the four kids there is one boy. My poor brother got tortured as a child but he turned out awesome, joined the military after high school, and now he builds bikes (the pedal kind) for a living.

9. I also have two really cool sisters. One older and one younger.

10. My older sister just had her first baby, which is awesome, but I really miss them. They live six hours away which kind of sucks a big one.

11. I aspire to someday be as cool as my younger sister. She is absolutely gorgeous...skinny, red hair, and blue eyes....and she has amazing taste in all things. ie. clothes, furniture, decorations...pretty much everything!

12. I ran track from 7th grade through my senor year of college. It was amazing! I met my best friends and got to travel, and I love to run.

13. I did the heptathalon and my favorite event was long jump. I really stunk at throwing the javelin. I also really liked the 400m hurdles, but that wasn't part of the multi-events.

14. I used to be cool and listen to country music, but now I mostly listen to toddler tunes and Veggies Tales CD's.

15. My daughter is currently obsessed with Thomas the Train and Cinderellla. I love that she likes boy and girlie things.

16. We don't cable TV at our house, and haven't for two years. We can watch movies on our TV, but other than that it is just fuzz.

17. Nick and I are both closet nerds, and LOVE to read.

18. I just finished reading all of the Brad Thor books, and am currently looking for something new to read...any suggestions?

19. I like listening to talk radio. (I told you I am a closet nerd.) My favorites are Glenn Beck and Dave Ramsey.

20. Nick and I share a vehicle and have for the past year. Its really not that bad.

21. Even though I really enjoy running, I have torn both of my ACL's and so I am just a walker now. My knees really hurt when I run :(

22. I have plates or screws in three of my appendages. Both knees for ACL repairs and i broke my arm really good in the 7th grade and have plates and screws in my radius and ulna. Oops!

23. I secretly want to live way out in the country somewhere. I think that would be really fun.

24. I like doing laundry, but I seriously hate putting clothes away. I have to force myself to do it.

25. I really enjoy cooking and baking. I love trying new recipes, and baking and particular is stress relief for me.

26. I also like to sew.

27. I am sewing Hannah's flower girl dress for my cousins wedding in September. I am really excited to do it, but I am a little nervous too. :)

28. I am kind of a clean freak...I run my sweeper everyday. I think it may be a mild case of OCD ;)

29. We have a mildly insane dog, that I have a love hate relationship with. Most of the time I love her, but when she digs in the trash and makes a giant mess, I kind of want to kill her!!

30. My husband is obsessed with church league softball. I don't mind it too much though...its kind of fun to go his games :)

Well there you have it, 30 random things about me. Hope that you weren't too bored reading it, and if you read each thing, I am quite impressed! And now here is my list of people to tag. If you do this memo, leave me a comment, so I can stop by your blog, and read all about you :)

Happy Sunday Everyone!!

1 comment:

Valerie Hunter said...

Awe, thanks for tagging me...I feel special :O). Not sure when I'll have time for it, but I had fun reading yours!