Monday, April 27, 2009

30 weeks!!

I seriously cannot believe I am 30 weeks already!! Crazy how fast time is going. I am kind of glad though, I am starting to get into that really starting to "feel pregnant" stage. You know, the swollen sausage feet, grunting when you have to move fast, not being able to eat a full meal stage...:) I can't complain too much though, I am now done working for the semester, and don't have to go back to work until mid October. An yes, that pretty much ROCKS!!

Also, please ignore my scrubby outfit in this picture. It has been really warm here the past couple of days, and Hannah and I are going to wash the van today, so I am totally rocking the maternity tank and the hubby's athletic shorts :)

1 comment:

Valerie Hunter said...

Dang, girl! You look awesome for 30 weeks!