Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Seeing this makes me smile. :) You may think it's a little strange, but we have started using cloth diapers at our house. I have been using them for about a month, and I really like them!

Now if you are like most people you are probably thinking, that is crazy, or strange or really weird. Why on earth would someone want to use cloth diapers? Well since you asked.... A little over a month ago, I was going to the store to buy diapers for Gabe and Hannah (she still wears them for naps and bedtime, she is usually dry, but I am not brave enough to go diaperless yet) and I realized that I was spending about $100 a month on diapers!! Which to me seemed really ridiculous. I can think of so many other things I can do with $100....in a way I felt like I was just throwing money away each time a pitched a disposable. My slightly nerdy side would think, "there goes 22 cents" each time I would change Gabe. So I decided to look into cloth. At first I was like, is this going to be really gross, or a lot of extra work? After checking out several different diapers, I decided to try out the Bum Genius one size and the Fuzzibunz one size diapers. Those were the two with the best reviews consistently. And I liked the fact that they are adjustable, so you only have to buy one size.

So after testing them both out, I decided to go with the Fuzzibunz (doesn't that name just make you laugh). And like I said, I really like them. They wash up really nice and are very adjustable. Gabe has chubby legs, and I like that I can adjust the leg openings to fit him. I have only had one leak, and that was when I first started using them, and I pretty sure it was because I didn't have them adjusted right. Over all, it has been a good change for us. :)

And seriously, I don't think that there is much cuter than a little cloth diapered butt :) Because you know that is really important...cute diapers I mean ;)

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