Monday, May 4, 2009

Double Stroller?

I need a little advice from all you mom's of more than one out there. I have been thinking about looking for a double stroller for Hannah and Gabe, and wanted to get some opinions. Here are my questions?

1. Do you think it is worth the money? (I am thinking of looking for one at our community garage sales, and don't want to spend more than $50.00.)

2. In your experience, do you prefer one of the strollers that has the two seats side by side and is wider, or do you prefer the ones that are longer and have the two seats one in front of the other?

3. Do you have any recommendations on a certain brand or feature that you love or hate that I should look for or try to avoid?


1 comment:

Valerie Hunter said...

We have both kinds of doubles. I like them both for different things. Going to the zoo or mall or something like that, I like the back to back's takes up less room and fits between people/aisles easier. For jogging and rougher terrain I like the side by side jogger, although I've used my back to back for exercise, too. Someone gave us our jogger for free (!!!) and I bought the other one a resale shop for around $80.