Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This girl....

Has been cracking me up lately! She is just full of funny things to say. Here are that latest, for your reading pleasure:

Hannah: "Mommy, I want to have really long hair like Kiki" (My sister in law has really long hair)
Me: "That would be nice Hannah."
Hannah: "But mommy, how will I poop with really long hair?"
Me: "Ummmm...."

Hannah: "Mommy, did you know that God got a camel, and rode it to the stable to see the baby Jesus?"
Me: "No, I didn't know that. Are you sure it wasn't the wise men who rode the camel to see baby Jesus?
Hannah: "No, it was God. Mommy, is Gabe the baby Jesus?"
Me: "No honey, he is just our baby Gabe."

*For this last one to make sense, I need to explain that we were at the Dr.'s office. I had taken Gabe in because he kept fussing and pulling his ear, but it turned out that he did not have an ear infection, and the NP thought that he was probably just teething.*
Nurse Practitioner: "Well, it looks like his ears are fine, sometimes kids will pull their ears when they are teething. You can go ahead and get him bundled back up, and head out."
Hannah (to the NP): "But aren't you going to check his nutter-butters?"
NP: "His what?"
Me: (Red faced and trying not to laugh, because being a nurse, I always call everything by the correct anatomical name....) "Do you mean his boy parts honey?"
Hannah: "Yeah mom, his nutter-butters."

*She has gone to all of his well baby checks with me, and they always check the diaper area, so I am thinking she just assumed they would check again this time....Oh me oh my.... :)*

Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Ha ha ha!! Those are cute stories!! :)