Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What I did today...

Don't was my first time working the tiller :)
Hannah and grandma playing in the dirt.
Hannah and Mommy...she helped me plant!
Helping Mommy with the peppers :)
Trying to dig up the peppers that we planted...oops!
Mommy, Hannah and grammy, hanging out in the garden :)

Today was a really busy day. I headed over to mom and dad's (they live across the street, so it was not a long trip) this morning around 9:45 to mow the grass for my dad. He had hernia repair surgery a couple of weeks ago, and is almost alll the way recovered, but is still not allowed to mow or push heavy things. Well mom and dad have a pretty big yard, I am pretty sure that it is close to an acre, I was glad to be able to use their self propelled mower...or so I thought. The dumb thing died after I got the front mowed, so I ran home and got our mower (self-propel is broken on it) and mowed the rest of the yard. It was HARD WORK!! Really good exercise though, and it definitely gave me a bigger appreciation for my hubby who takes care of all the yard stuff at our house (Thanks Honey!!) After mowing Hannah and I came home because it was nap time and anyone with a toddler knows that you don't mess with nap time!! After Hannah's nap we headed back to mom and dads to till and plant some things in the garden. It was my first time using a tiller, I felt pretty cool, and I only took a few chunks of grass out of the yard when turning around...hahaha so that was really fun. My dad is a good teacher. We tilled and then planted carrots, radishes, lettuce, peppers, eggplant and tomatoes. I am really excited for the garden this year. I can't wait to get started with canning and freezing etc.

As we were planting the lettuce I looked down at the bag of seeds and saw that the entire bag of seeds only cost 10 cents. It made me want to puke that I paid $1.49 for a very small head of lettuce at the grocery store yesterday. BLAH!! Makes me really grateful for our garden though!

Well, this mommy is tired and needs to get her rest for spinning tomorrow and then Hannah's swimming lesson! Good night everyone!

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