Friday, November 14, 2008

Random Thoughts...

Dyson™ DC14 All Floors Vacuum

Dyson DC14 All Floors Vacuum
Ok, this may be my newest favorite cleaning tool. Nick and I have been tossing around the idea of a Dyson for a couple of months now, because our old sweeper has been slowly dying. With a dog and a toddler in the house we thought it made sense to purchase a more quality sweeper. But the price was just so high that we couldn't justify the expense. Well....last week I got a Kohls add in the mail, and the Dyson's were on sale. And then when I peeled off the sticker it was one of the extra 30% off ones!! So we talked about it again, and decided to take the plunge. And let me say it was well worth it! While I was kind of grossed out at what it picked up when I used it for the first time, it was also oddly satisfying. I know, that is really weird :)

On a completely unrelated note, there is something that I have been mulling over, and I am still not sure what I think about it, so I thought I would put it out there to see what opinions others may have to offer. So here it goes. Nick and I go to a Mennonite Church. It is not a conservative Mennonite church, and I have often said that if you didn't see the sign outside the door you wouldn't necessicarily know that it is a Mennonite church just by looking at the congregation. That being said, there is one pretty big part of Mennonite beliefs that I very heartily disagree with. That would be the pacifism. I am not going to go into a whole theological discussion about it, I am just going to say that I don't agree with it. Both of my grandfathers and my brother have served in the military. It makes me angry that the Mennonite church as a whole does not recognize or honor the people that have fought and died so that they can enjoy the religious freedoms that they do. That being said, we like our church, we are involved in our church, and we have a lot of friends at our chuch. So how do I reconcile my disagreement over this issue with my choice of church? Is it really that big of a deal? Or am I being a complete hypocrite on this issue? And what do I tell my daughter when she is older and wants to know why her uncle was in the army, but her preacher says that war in wrong? I don't know. Maybe you do?


Megan said...

those are nice vacuums!

those are good thoughts- we would feel very divided about it too- it's tough to discern sometimes, the stay or go to a specific church thing- and that's an issue that would really get people upset!
on both sides!


Anonymous said...

oooooooohhhhhhhhhhh yyyyyeahhhhhh.