Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving...Take One

Yesterday we got together with my husbands family for Thanksgiving. There was plenty of food, fun and family :) Hannah had a great time playing with all her cousins and second cousins, and mommy and daddy ate WAY too much turkey!!
The men have a tradition of shooting trap (clay pigeons) after dinner every Thanksgiving. Here is Nick taking his turn.The brothers. From left to right...Dustin (in the tan hat, he is the youngest), Nick (blue hat, he is the hubby) and Mike (gray hat, he is Nick's twin brother).
My adorable nephew Connor!!
Hannah "helping" the cousins play Apples to Apples :)
Playing under the kitchen table. Because we all know that kitchen tables are perfect for playing under :)

We are getting together with my family on Saturday and I can't wait. My pregnant sister is coming and since she lives 6 hours away it has been over a month since I have seen her. Can't wait to see that belly!! My brother and his wife can't come up this year, but we really miss them and love them, and are excited for the next time we do get to see them!!


Anonymous said...

AHHHH.....don't cha just love it?!?!?

You captured some great gun shots. Hope the weekend continues to be full of blessings for you.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun-family day!! I love seeing what everyone does for a holiday.