Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow Days

Well, it was finally warm enough where we live to be able to take Hannah outside to play in the snow. After the 30 minutes it took to get her bundled up (part of that was because I couldn't and still can't find her boots...notice she is wearing tennis shoes...) we headed over to my mom's to play. Lets just say Hannah was not all that impressed. We were out for about 20 minutes and she only went down the hill on the "sled" three times. (I have sled in "" because we don't actually have a sled, but instead used a boogie board with a plastic bottom, which actually worked quite well :)).
Here she is checking out Grandma's snow angel!! And can I just say, what a cool Grandma to lay down in the snow and make a snow angel?!
And this is her walking in the sled/boogie board track. She thought that was more fun than actually riding the sled...we'll have to work on that :)


Valerie Hunter said...

We have video of Mark taking Ethan and Karis out around that age and they cried! They would not even get down to stand in the snow! Silly kids!

Anonymous said...

She looks warm and cozy! My 3 year old aches to go out in the snow, but within 5 minutes she's crying to come back inside. *sigh*