Saturday, June 28, 2008

We have been so busy!

Wow, I can't believe it has been almost a week since I have posted. We had a really busy week last week, and I felt like I was barely able to get my family fed, and the cleaned up, let alone have time to blog. We did get to go swimming twice this past week, and took Hannah to a petting zoom. She loved the swimming, not a surprise, but did not like the petting zoo. For some reason she is terrified of loud car noises, mowers, the tillers, etc. When we first got to the petting zoo, a tractor went by, and that was the end of that. She wouldn't let me put her down. So no pictures of Hannah at the petting zoo. I would like to try it again though. :) Swimming was really fun! The people whose house we swam t have a really nice in-ground pool, and it even has a diving board. And yes, miss Hannah jumped off. She had her floaties on, and she just walked right off the end of the diving board. I am so glad that she loves the water! Here are some pictures of our week. (There aren't very many, because most of the pictures I took this week have other kids in them, and I don't feel comfortable putting them online without asking the parents first :))

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