Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yummy Bagel Goodness!

I have been hungry for bagels for about a week now, and I completely forgot to pick some up at the store when I got groceries this past Saturday. Since I used up all of the grocery budget, but was still craving a bagel, I decided to make try and make them myself. What can I say...don't stand between a pregnant lady and her cravings ;) They were surprisingly easy to make, and tasted delicious! I thought I would share the recipe in case anyone else wants to try:)

Preheat Oven to 425

In large bowl mix:
4 cups flour
1 tablespoon sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon oil
2 teaspoons yeast
1 1/2 cups water

Knead for 10 minutes. Cut into 8 equal sized balls and then let rest for 15 minutes. Roll each ball out in a "snake" until it is as wide as both of your hands then shape into a circle and squish the ends together. Let rest for 20 minutes. Boil water in pan and grease baking sheet. Boil each bagel for one minute on each side then set on paper towel to dry for 1-2 min. (I just used a boring old soup pot for this.) Place bagels on baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes, then flip over and bake for ten more minutes. Let cool and then ENJOY!!


kirsteniteleader said...
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kirsteniteleader said...

Yes! Someone else who knows how homemade bagels can be just as good or better than any you buy! Steve and I LOVE to make bagels.

I don't want to be one of those people that always has to be a smarty pants but I thought I'd pass along one tip that Steve and I found extremely helpful: Instead of making a snake and trying to make the ends stay together, take a ball, stick your finger through the middle of it, and kinda twirl it. Twirl it until the hole widens until it's just slightly bigger than you want it after it's cooked, since it'll fatten and close the hole up a bit. Then your ends won't come apart!

Do you have any good bread recipes? Steve and I want to start making homemade bread.

I love and miss you!!!