Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Adventures in Potty Training: Day Two

Well, yesterday was definitely challenging. In the morning Hannah would go to the bathroom and then tell me about it. I was watching her really closely but she still snuck a couple of squats past me :) The afternoon went better though, she was definitely starting to recognize when she needed to go, and although we still haven't made it to the potty before she goes, there was definite improvement. So I was happy about that. Last night was difficult though. She only had one accident, at about 12, so that was really good. But, she had a really hard time falling asleep after she was awake and we cleaned her up etc. She didn't really fall back into a restful sleep until about 5 this morning, but she is still sleeping so that is good. I dosed up on coffee this morning, so not too tired right now. :) Our goal for today is to make it to the potty before she goes, at least once. Keep your fingers crossed :)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Good job Ash! Hope that you got some good rest today!