Thursday, July 10, 2008

Real Life

Well, I have been seeing people joining in a really fun blogfest called Real Life each Thursday for a couple of weeks now. I have thought that it looked really fun, but up until now, I just haven't joined in. This weeks theme is "Momentous Occasions," and you are supposed to post pictures of the momentous occasions in your life. I thought it sounded fun, so I decided to join in :) You can check out more Real Life fun over at Jessica's blog at FARM FRESH.

My most "Momentous Occasions."

1. First of course is meeting/dating my hubby. Nick and I knew each other as aquaintances pretty much forever, but it wasn't until after we were both out of college that there was any romantic interest. Well at least on his part :) I may have turned him down the first time he asked me out...but don't worry, I called him back a couple of days later ;)

2. After the dating, came the wedding. I had a hard time picking which pictures to post from my wedding, because I seriously loved almost all of them. We had amazing photographers who captured our day perfectly. :)

This first picture is actually from before our wedding. I know, shame on us for kissing before the ceremony. :) On our wedding day, I knew that the first time that I saw Nick, I would be really emotional, and I didn't want to have that experience in front of a bunch of people. So we decided to have some private time just the two of us in the sanctuary before the ceremony. I was so glad that we did that. I got all of my tears out, and we were able to talk and pray together, and it is a memory I cherish. :)

3. About six months after we got married, we started talking about having kids. I have always wanted to be a mom, and have a pack of kids running around my house. Nick and I have not quite come to an agreement on how many a pack is...I think 5 or 6 and he thinks 3 or 4... :) Here is one of the many ultrasound pictures we have of Hannah. She was being particulary cute that day, sucking her thumb. :)

4. This is a picture of Hannah when she was less than an hour old. This was a particularlly "momentous" moment for us, because we had a really difficult pregnancy with Hannah. I was on bedrest (or couch arrest as I call it :)), having ultrasounds 2 or 3 times a week etc. The doctors gave of many different scenarios of things that could possibly be wrong with her, and we really didn't know for sure that she was ok until she was born. So seeing my little girl, and holding her, and just watching her breathe was HUGE, because I finally knew she was ok . Thank you Jesus!!

5. Last really big moment to date was taking Hannah home. The outfit she is wearing is what I wore home from the hospital, and the blanket she is laying on is one that I made her while being stuck on the couch:) Lots of tears were cried and lots of prayers were prayed while I made that blanket :)

Well those are my most momentous occasions to date...hope you enjoyed reading about them, and have a wonderful Thursday!


Amy said...

Beautiful pics!!
We have a Hannah as that name!

Patrice said...

Such a sweet post... that is so special your daughter came home from the hospital in the same outfit you did... what a great memory and tradition! Beautiful pictures, too. Thanks for sharing!

Lindsay said...

Your wedding pictures were so beautiful! I can see the happiness and love on your face during your vows :)

Katie said...

Hi, I'm Katie. :)

I love reading these... found yours through American Mum. Beautiful wedding pictures!

Unknown said...

Those are wonderful moments!

What a gorgeous bride you were! And what a great idea to have some "you" time right before the ceremony.