Friday, July 18, 2008

Playing at the park and birthdays :)

We are really lucky to live about a 3 minute walk from an elementary school with a fantastic playground. I try to take Hannah up at least once a week, and she just really LOVES it. Lately she has been getting really brave and climbing things. She also LOVES to swing. And she does not want to go in the little kids sireee...only the big kid swings :) This kid would swing forever if I let her :) Enjoy the pictures of our latest trip to the playground.

Today is also my birthday :) The big 28!


I'm getting old :) Hahaha, not really, but for some reason it kind of feels that way :) My wonderful hubby took me out to dinner last night at my favorite restaurant, and then this morning presented me with a new cartridge for my Cricut. To say I was excited would be an understatement :) My mom also had us over for dinner on Wednesday and cooked a fantastic meal, which was topped off by homemade chocolate chip pound cake...delicious :) Mom and dad also gave me this really awesome purse that I just LOVE! It is big enough that I can put all my stuff and Hannah's in it, but it doesn't look like a diaper bag, so I really like that. :) And then my mother-in-law stopped over yesterday and brought me some really delicious chocolate (who doesn't love chocolate) and this really cool necklace from New Zealand. How cool is that?! And last but not least, my little sister gave me b-day money which I used to buy a new dress for a wedding that I am going to this weekend. Whew...I think I might be a little bit spoiled!!!!!! Thanks to my awesome family for making me feel so loved...not just on my birthday, but all the time...I am so blessed!! I love you all!!


Rachel said...

Happy birthday!

Homegrown Tribe said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and saying Hi! Sorry it's taken me so long to say Hi back. :)

Hope you have a happy birthday! Your daughter is ADORABLE!

Have a great day


Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday, Ashlie! I LOVE YOU! I hope that you have a fabulous day and I can't wait to see you so we can celebrate and I can give you presents!!! :)

PS-The pictures of Hannah are ADORABLE!