Thursday, August 14, 2008


What is wrong with this picture? :)


Anonymous said... hilarious. LOL

Keri said...

Ha! My kids used to do that too. They thought it was "a cool fort" to play in, lol.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I found your blog over at American Mum! I thought I should branch out and meet other mommies and bloggers.

Your Hannah is absolutely precious! I have a Hannah Banana too. I just bought her a Hannah Montana wig for Halloween and told her she could carry a banana with her and be "Hannah Banana" instead of Hannah Montana. She rolled her eyes at me. I guess I am a dork.

My girls love to play in the dog crates at my in-laws' house. It's great to be a kid!

Megan said...

ha! WE see that ALL the time! what is the facination?! aren't kids supposed to HATE being penned in??


Rachel said...

So funny! I just saw your sister's blog. You're going to be an aunt, huh? :)