Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Zoo

Friday Nick took the day off work and went to the zoo. This was something we had been wanting to do for quite awhile, but just kept putting off. Well, I am so glad that we finally went!! It was so much fun. Hannah loved the "aminals" and it was really really nice to spend time together as a family. Nick has been putting in a ridiculous amount of overtime at work, because of a big project he is working on, so Hannah and I loved having him to ourselves for the entire day. Here are some pictures of our favorite animals :)

Hannah in the car before we went in to the zoo. We packed out lunch and ate in the car. She had just eaten a brownie and had brownie all over her teeth :)

Hannah loved the elephants!! I would say they were in her top three favorites :)

The Alaskan moose was really cool. On the sign it said they eat up to 40lbs of grass, trees and other foliage every day. That is a serious appetite!!!
Hannah petting the goats in the petting zoo. She LOVED this! All the animals were really tame and friendly :)

Hannah and daddy checking out the flamingos.
Nick and Hannah in the aquarium. She also LOVED this!!
The gorilla!! Hannah's favorite part of the day was by far the monkeys. And of course, while we were watching them, one of them pooped in its own hand and then ate it. She of course thought that was quite funny. And now when you ask her about the zoo, the first thing she says is, "the monkeys eating they poopies!" And then she laughs and giggles :)
The snakes and reptiles were Nicks favorites...YUCK!!
At the restaurant after we were done. Hannah was not having it to take a family picture. I guess that is what happens when your two year old doesn't have a nap and has been walking around the zoo for four hours!!
Luckily her daddy was able to entertain her with some coloring and crayons. :) We had a wonderful day, and I would definitely go back again!!


Stephanie said...

Ahh...your pictures are great...Hannah looks precious...this looks like SO much fun! Makes me dream of doing this when Sera is older...

:) Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

okay- THAT SNAKE is freaking me out- BUT I KNOW that Hannah Loved the zoo.

You have inspired me to take my kids......

Megan said...

i lOVED the aquarium picture!!!
